
Post-Surgery Rehabilitation

Post-Surgery Rehabilitation services located in The Woodlands, TX

Post-Surgery Rehabilitation

Post-surgery rehabilitation can speed up your recovery if you’ve recently undergone a hip replacement or another operative procedure. At Preserve Physical Therapy in The Woodlands, Texas, board-certified physical therapist Rupal Mehta, PT, MS, DPT, PhD, combines manual therapies and innovative technology to promote healing and relieve pain after surgery. Call or text Preserve Physical Therapy today to schedule a post-surgery rehabilitation consultation or request a new patient form online.

How does post-surgery rehabilitation help with recovery?

Surgery takes a toll on your body, affecting your range of motion and mobility. Enrolling in physical therapy or post-surgery rehabilitation helps you return to your routine. Specifically, it:

  • Reduces pain
  • Strengthens your muscles
  • Improves movement in the part of your body affected by surgery
  • Helps you walk again

If you’re recovering from a stroke or another medical event, it can also help you relearn activities of daily living (ADL), like getting dressed, brushing your teeth, and combing your hair.

What can I expect during a consultation for post-surgery rehabilitation?

Before developing a personalized post-surgery rehabilitation treatment plan, Dr. Mehta reviews your medical charts, including your surgical records. He considers the type of surgery you had (e.g., minimally invasive or open), the area of your body treated, and your general health.

Let Dr. Mehta know about your medications and supplements and any underlying medical conditions you’re living with.

Dr. Mehta completes a physical therapy evaluation. He examines your surgical sites and assesses your muscle strength, reflexes, and range of motion. If you’re prescribed a walker, crutches, or another mobility device to help you get around, Dr. Mehta watches you use them. This helps him evaluate your current level of mobility and assists in determining the therapies that will most benefit you.

After gathering the necessary information, Dr. Mehta makes personalized treatment recommendations.

What does post-surgery rehabilitation involve?

At Preserve Physical Therapy, post-surgery rehabilitation combines manual therapies and cutting-edge technology for optimal results. Dr. Mehta might suggest:

  • Joint mobilization
  • Soft tissue mobilization
  • Myofascial release
  • Massage therapy
  • Movement training
  • Postural training
  • Joint taping
  • Gait training
  • Motor control training
  • Shockwave therapy

Most people recovering from surgery benefit from two or more of these treatments. Dr. Mehta monitors your progress at regular checkups and makes adjustments as needed.

How long will I need to participate in post-surgery rehabilitation?

Post-surgery rehabilitation provides different results for everyone. The time you need to participate depends on various factors, including the type of surgery you had and its effect on your mobility and daily functions.

Recovery after minimally invasive surgery typically takes two to four weeks*, but more invasive procedures often take longer. Attend each of your checkups and follow Dr. Mehta’s instructions.

Call or text Preserve Physical Therapy today to schedule a post-surgery rehabilitation consultation or request a new patient form online.

*Results may vary.